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Paris Basis

In the year 1855, during the First World Conference of MCAs, held in Paris, France, the "Paris Basis", the philosophical line of MCAs around the world, was approved. The Base states: "The Young Men's Christian Associations seek to unite those who, considering Jesus Christ as their God and Savior, according to the holy scriptures, desire in their faith and life to be His disciples and to work together to young people, the kingdom of His Master. " "Divergences of opinion on other matters, however important, will not interfere with the harmonious relationships of members and associates that make up the World Alliance."

Muitas novidades vêm por aí!

E já temos uma excelente notícia. Com o controle mais seguro da pandemia, nossas sedes voltaram a funcionar 100% presencialmente e com a carga horária total – mas, claro, sempre seguindo os protocolos de segurança.

Veja o que já fizemos

The Kampala Declaration (1973) was the first major revision of the Paris Basis. It reaffirmed the principles of the "Mother Charter" of the ACM and determined policies of action for the Global ACM.

"Recognizing the character of the Young Men's Christian Associations in the world today, this act of recognition of the Paris Basis places on the various associations and their members as co-workers of God, imperatives such as:


  • Work for everyone to increase productivity and justice for all.


  • Work so that everyone has equal opportunities and there is justice for all.


  • Work to obtain and maintain an environment where the relationship between people is characterized by love and understanding.


  • Work to obtain and maintain within the MCAs and society, with their organizations and institutions, conditions that take into account honesty, depth and creativity.


  • Develop and maintain leadership and programs that are examples of the variety and depth of the Christian experience.


  • Work for the integral development of the human being.

Nossos projetos

  • Formação de Diretoria com perfil técnico, trazendo eficiência, agilidade e transparência.

  • Planejamento Estratégico, com foco na reestruturação dos processos internos, com cronograma de execução.

  • Prospecção de novas fontes de renda, buscando parcerias com empresas, patrocinadores 

  • e empresários.

Uma nova ACM Rio está nascendo para você.
A estrutura e a administração serão renovadas, mas nossos valores continuarão firmes.

Queremos te ver aqui com a gente.

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